Donate to Hauge Memorial Library
Donations of monetary gifts, memorials, and materials are always welcome.
Monetary donations should be made to:
Friends of the Hauge Memorial Library
c/o Treasurer
PO Box 659
Osseo, WI 54758
Hauge Memorial Library has guidelines in place for accepting donations of materials. To view and/or print those guidelines please click here.
There are two main fundraiser events during the year. Each Spring an appeal by mail is made. The annual book sale takes place in late summer. The library gratefully accepts monetary gifts or memorials any time throughout the year.
*The Friends of the Hauge Memorial Library is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit corporation and contributions to the organization may be tax deductible depending upon how you prepare and file your personal income taxes.
Friends of the Hauge Memorial Library
Click here to download our brochure
Mission Statement
The Friends of the Hauge Memorial Library is an independent organization which works in cooperation with the library board to aid and assist in the daily operation of the Hauge Memorial Library on a volunteer basis whenever help is needed. The FOL organization also provides financial aid to purchase necessary books, audios, periodicals, DVDs, computers, furniture, and other library equipment. The FOL organization also helps promote programs and encourages use of the library by all age groups.
We are currently seeking volunteers for leadership roles.
Karen Blom, Carol Dodge, Vickie Dosher, Sheila Gawinski, Janet Hangartner, Sylvia Haugen, Genell Johnson, Judy Kanzenbach, Lois Lehman, Peggy Lundberg, Kim Metzler, Judy Olson, Stephanie Rumstick, Maxine Steen, Eileen Stensen and Karen Thayer. New members are always welcome!
Secretary – Pat Halvorson
Treasurer – Sharon Barth